Editor: SharpArchiver is an open source program released under the GNU LGPL license.SharpArchiver uses CAKE3 wrapper which enables him to handle 47 different archive types.Here are some key features:
Key features:
Supporting 47 different archive types:
Create,Open and Extract : Zip,7Zip,Lha,Sqx
Open and Extract: .zip,.7z,.tar,.gz,.bz2,.arc,.arj,.asd,.ace,.mime,.b64,.bel,.deb, .yz1,.f,.frz,.icl,.ico,.cab,.jam,.lha,.lzh,.lzs,.hqx,.cpt,.dmg,.pit,.pak,.wad,.rar,.rpm,.sqx,.macbin, .cpio,.shar,.uue,.xxe,.imp,.yenc,.zoo,.Ear,.jar,.WAR,.wsz,.mskin,.bzs,.wal,.wmz
ShellExtension support:
Associate archives with SharpArchiver
Add a menu to windows shell which will enable you to extract or create archives with just 2 mouse clicks
MultiExtract Tool
ConvertArchive Tool
Encrypt/Decrypt Tool: enables you to protect any file on your computer by creating a sharparchiver encrypted file ( .SAE ).
User frendly and sharp looking interface:
SharpArchiver is very simple to use.This is one of the key features because there are archivers out there that are very good but their interface is complex and confusing.Simple and free are the best reasons you should use SharpArchiver.